Text : Isaiah 43: 16-19

The just concluded year has been very challenging for many and for some it has been from one testimony to another.
Brethren, irrespective of what you passed through in year 2017 , the Lord is assuring you by His word that “ Behold I Will Do A New Thing “ in 2018 that all men will celebrate the God you serve with you .
In this write up , we will be focusing on four main words from the bible text and each word will be used to explain few things as we go on together.

* In preparation for a New Thing , you will need to “Remember not” the past struggles, silent frustrations and failures you experienced in the previous year .
* Remember not could also mean to Disregard or loose memory of all the unpleasant situations and ridicule you encountered in year 2017.
God is able to do a new thing in your life throughout year 2018 but you need to forget the past .
Isa 43:18, 2 Corth 5:17, Luk 9:62 and Phil 3:13-14

The word BEHOLD can be found in the Bible 368 times so it means it has an important role to play in the life of every child of God .
* The word “Behold ” means to observe something or someone of a remarkable nature . God has a nature that seems to turn hopeless situations around but you need to Behold Him in order to turn your life around .
* To BEHOLD means to look with an undying and untiring aim .
To enjoy the newness of God in year 2018 , you will need to have an undying hope in Christ that is backed up with an undivided attention.
Isa 59:1 , Rev 3:20, 2 Corinth 6:2b , Rev 22:7 and 12.

The word NEW THING implies 3 things :
a. It means the purpose of God for you will not be complete until all things are made New in your life , Isaiah 65:17 , Isa 66:22 , Isa 62: 2.
b. God was sitting on the throne when He said it
” Behold i make all things New ” .
When a king sits on the throne and makes a declaration, his words stand .
New is one of the promises of God to mankind .
C. New is something different from the one that existed earlier. The new thing God will give you is always more than what you have in the past . What the Lord will do for you in year 2018 will be clearly different from what you had earlier experienced in Jesus name( Amen) .
D. New thing is the fashion of God , He show cases His glory everyday ( Lamentation 3: 22-23) .
E. A New thing signifies the following :
* A new name
* A new status
* A new blessing / breakthrough
* A new song and peace in all endeavours

4. NOW
The word” NOW ” used in the passage means your miracles in year 2018 will surface without any further delay ( Amen) .
The word NOW is a big contrast to the past , that means what God is ready to do in your life will completely knock out your past unpleasant situations in Jesus name.
Eph 3:20 emphasise and spelt out the ability of God to do exceedingly and abundantly in the lives of His children . All you need to make it in life has been planted before now and all it needed to germinate has been supplied before now .
Brethren, stop fearing the Unknown ! Choose the to hope in the known ( God Almighty) .
The word NOW is mentioned in the bible for 1, 355 times , that means you can trust God wholly this year that things will work well for you in Jesus name. The bible says ” Every good and perfect gift comes from God ………James 1:17.
In conclusion , God is very ready to do it again in your life in year 2018. Keep trusting God and you will see Him in action in your life in Jesus name .
Please note that , when troubles and frustrating situations comes your way , it is never Gods intention to put you to shame but for His holy name be glorified in your life .
I prophecy that year 2018 will bow before you in Jesus name .
Happy New Year to you .
Shalom !!